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5 FAQs About Brachioplasty Recovery Time

Are you looking for more confidence to go sleeveless or dress in form-fitting tops?

75% of women admit body image overrules their confidence. The same gets said for over 80% of men. Both sexes desire a more sculpted physique, including their arms.

Arm sculpting is the answer for smoother and firmer underarm skin. Brachioplasty (or arm lift) can help correct sagging or loose skin. It works to fix drooping skin that results from aging or excessive weight loss.

So what to expect from this form of body contouring? Here are the answers to all your Brachioplasty recovery time questions.

The Brachioplasty Procedure at a Glance

Brachioplasty is a body contouring procedure that involves removing loose or sagging skin from the upper arm. It results in a more shaped and toned appearance.

Once you turn 30, your muscle mass begins to decrease up to 5%. It continues to lose more mass every 10 years. While this happens with age, Brachioplasty can help bring back a firmer shape to your arms.

The procedure is best suited for men and women who are not obese. Nor for those with a significant amount of fat in their upper arms.

Brachioplasty is performed under anesthesia as an outpatient procedure.

This procedure involves making an incision along the inside of the arm, from the armpit toward the elbow. Then, the extra skin gets trimmed away. The doctor may also use liposuction to remove excess fat and contour the upper arm.

Following the procedure, the patient will be taken to the recovery room for observations and to rest. The incision area will stay bandaged. A drain may also be placed to help remove extra fluid.

5 FAQ’s About Brachioplasty Recovery Time

Here are the top 5 FAQ’s about the in-home recovery of an arm lift procedure.

1. What Should You Expect Right After the Procedure?

Along with bandages, you may have to wear a compression garment. This will help keep any swelling down. Because of the anesthesia and post-operative pain medication, it’s important to have someone drive you home.

Someone should help take care of you during the first few days of your arm surgery recovery process. They can go grocery shopping and help with meal prep. They may also need to check your drain if you have one.

You will be instructed to drink plenty of fluids right after your surgery. Staying well hydrated will help to speed up recovery time. It’s equally important to eat a healthy and balanced diet.

2. How Painful Is the Recovery Period?

During your arm lift recovery, it’s common to have some discomfort. You may experience soreness, swelling, and some bruising. This should lessen after the first few days.

Plan for 1 to 2 weeks of recovery time for an arm lift procedure. It may take the tissues in your arms a few weeks to fully heal.

You’ll want to use pillows to keep the arms elevated. This helps to increase circulation and reduce swelling. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication if needed.

Wear comfortable loose clothing which is easy to take on and off. Choose a zip or button up shirt rather than a pullover.

It’s important to keep an eye on the surgery site for any changes. Any increased redness, drainage, or swelling should be reported to your doctor as soon as possible.

3. Will There Be a Scar?

Since an arm lift involves an incision to remove extra skin, there will be a scar. Your incision line will continue to refine as you heal. It’s important to avoid direct sunlight for the first 12 months after surgery. This helps to avoid discoloration of the scar. The scar may be bright pink at first but will fade to your normal skin color over time.

4. How Soon Can You Get Back to Work?

Arm lift recovery time is usually 1 to 2 weeks.

For a quicker recovery, it’s important to follow your post-operative instructions. Get plenty of rest and avoid any strenuous activity that may include bearing weight or lifting over your head.

It’s normal for your arm and hand strength to feel weak at first. They will get stronger over time as you heal. Keep arm movement and activity limited during the recovery phase.

What About Exercising?

You’ll also need to pause your exercise routine. Your doctor will recommend when you can begin physical activity in your arms again.

It will most likely be a month or two before you can resume all regular activities. Start out slow with a daily walk. Then ease back into your normal fitness routine.

Once you get the green light from your doctor you can start strength training. This will help continue muscle growth and toning for your arms.

5. How Does Combining Other Procedures Affect the Recovery Time?

An arm lift is a popular cosmetic surgery to combine with other procedures. When appropriate, patients choose to do this to avoid another anesthesia procedure and recovery time.

An upper body lift is a popular combined procedure. It involves contouring your breasts, arms, and abdomen all at once. Many doctors will recommend breast surgery with a tummy tuck and liposuction.

When combining procedures, you’ll only have to go under anesthesia one time. Depending on the number of procedures done you may need a longer recovery time.

Your surgeon will be able to inform you of recovery times for each procedure as well as which procedures can get done at the same time.

Finding the Right Surgeon

The right surgeon is the most important part of your Brachioplasty recovery time. They should have vast experience in the field of cosmetic surgery, with a specialty in arm lifts.

The result of this surgery is shapely arms for a satisfying self-image. Following your recovery, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. This will keep the results long-lasting, without a need for other surgeries down the road.

Learn more about how this popular procedure can transform your confidence and contour your body.