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Do I Need A Tummy Tuck After My Weight Loss Surgery?

Losing weight is a wonderful accomplishment and a positive step toward a healthier life. Bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, is chosen by millions of people each year to reduce the size of the stomach and help individuals get back on track with their weight loss goals. After healing from this procedure, however, you may find that excess or sagging skin is preventing you from truly enjoying the benefits of weight loss. Not only that, lingering fatty tissue and weakened abdominal muscles are common issues post-weight loss surgery.

Based in Florham Park, NJ, The Peer Group performs tummy tuck surgery, also called abdominoplasty, to trim away the extra skin and fat while tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. This gives patients a more contoured body and renewed appearance. Many patients choose a tummy tuck after weight loss surgery for a more aesthetically pleasing look. If you believe abdominoplasty may be the right solution for you, the skilled staff at The Peer Group explain the benefits of this procedure below.

Why should I get a tummy tuck after weight loss?

Major weight loss is a huge accomplishment. But once you’ve reached your weight loss goal, there may be some obstacles still standing in your way. Perhaps you’re not comfortable with the stretched-out or sagging skin on your stomach. Unfortunately, this can’t be cured with diet or exercise alone. Tummy tuck surgery after weight loss provides fine-tuning so you can feel more comfortable in your body in Greater New Jersey.

There are other reasons to consider plastic surgery after weight loss. Those extra pockets of fat could be getting in the way of your new active lifestyle, as your body may not be giving you the freedom of movement you need to perform certain types of exercise. If this is the case, abdominoplasty can give you a more defined midsection so you can continue a healthy workout routine.

What kind of tummy tuck should I get?

While weight loss surgery is an increasingly common solution for those who struggle with obesity, there are some aesthetic concerns to consider. Today there is a range of tummy tuck techniques, each of which addresses specific cosmetic issues on the body. The following explains the techniques used in plastic surgery:

In each surgery, every effort is made to minimize the appearance of scars or place them in locations where they will be concealed by underwear or a bathing suit. If you are considering a tummy tuck and body contouring following weight loss surgery, an extended tummy tuck may be your best option. However, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, so we can assess the area and make a more personalized recommendation.

Healing from a tummy tuck and body contouring

Surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2 – 4 hours to complete. The Peer Group in Greater New Jersey has a fully accredited, on-site surgical center that is dedicated to your success. After a tummy tuck and body contouring, one of our friendly and caring professionals will give you a compression garment to promote blood circulation and make you feel more comfortable as you rest at home. It is important to give yourself plenty of time to heal after your procedure. With permission from your plastic surgeon, you should be able to resume exercise in about 6 – 8 weeks.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation

Patients who have had weight loss surgery and would like a more defined silhouette can turn to the skilled plastic surgeons at The Peer Group. We understand that additional surgery can be difficult, but we are with you every step of the way. During your private tummy tuck consultation, we take the time to understand your concerns and answer your questions. If you are less than confident about your appearance, reach out to a member of our Florham Park, NJ, team today and find out if a tummy tuck after weight loss surgery is right for you.