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How to Age Gracefully Through Each Decade with BOTOX

If you’re noticing lines and wrinkles on your face that just don’t seem to ever go away even with your face at rest, then it may be time to look into BOTOX. This nonsurgical skin rejuvenation treatment is an excellent way to reduce and eliminate these lines. Don’t be fooled and think BOTOX is only a solution for older people, as the signs of aging can start to crop up as early as your twenties. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group, located in the Greater New Jersey area, treat patients of all ages with BOTOX and patients are thrilled with their youthful, more radiant appearances.

What is BOTOX?

BOTOX is FDA approved for patients ages 18 and up, and is derived from Botulinum Toxin Type A (or BTX-A) which blocks the facial nerve endings and temporarily relaxes the muscles under the skin’s surface. This helps control facial movement helping to keep dynamic wrinkles at bay, which creates a softer, smooth effect on the skin. BOTOX injections are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments that are requested by both men and women at our Florham Park, NJ plastic surgery practice.

How can BOTOX help me at my age?

Whether you are 25 or 55, BOTOX can be a solution to help you prevent, maintain, and turn back the signs of aging. We explain this a little further as we discuss how the skin changes through each decade.

In your twenties

This is the time that most people do not really have a consistent, set skincare routine. However, thanks to advances in the aesthetic industry and the overall popularity of BOTOX, that is starting to change. More and more people in their twenties are turning to BOTOX as a preventive measure to ward off wrinkles and lines. If you’re noticing fine lines on your upper face that are not disappearing even when your face is at rest, BOTOX is a simple solution to create a radiant complexion. BOTOX injections can not only help with current lines or wrinkles but also help prevent new ones that really begin to show themselves in the next decade.

In your thirties

BOTOX is very popular among men and women in their thirties. By this time, you have likely seen the horizontal lines running along your forehead, and depending on your lifestyle or sun exposure over the years, you may also have vertical lines settling in between your eyebrows. One of the reasons lines and wrinkles start to become more prominent, especially at the end of this decade as you is to approach your forties, is because the skin begins to stop producing collagen. This is a normal part of aging, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. BOTOX can greatly reduce the appearance of these lines and stop additional lines and wrinkles in their tracks.

In your forties

By now, the lines and wrinkles that cropped up in your twenties and thirties have gotten deeper and more noticeable. Damage from the sun, which may include years of squinting, has also started to take a toll. Patients look into BOTOX at this age to help turn back the hands of time and do some “maintenance” to help reduce the appearance of these lines and wrinkles and to help retain a youthful glow. While BOTOX is popular among all decades, the forties are generally where we see most people flocking to have injections. A consistent schedule of BOTOX injections combined with a good skincare regime can help you look years younger and feel better about the aging process.

In your fifties

Most patients in their fifties request BOTOX for the same reasons people do in their forties. They are looking to help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. However, men and women in their fifties are also trying to find solutions without having to undergo surgery. It is possible to ward off surgery for a number of years further with BOTOX injections combined with a filler to help smooth wrinkles, add volume to the face, and improve specific areas such as the lips. New Jersey area men and women commonly get a blend of BOTOX and fillers throughout their middle-age years and the results can be long-lasting and effective.

In your sixties

In our sixties the skin has started to lose its elasticity and the effects of aging are much more prominent. You may need to make more visits to our office to keep up with your BOTOX regimen. If you feel like BOTOX isn’t doing enough for your lines or wrinkles you may want to look into cosmetic surgery. The highly-skilled surgeons at The Peer Group can address your concerns and suggest alternate treatment methods to get you the results you desire.

It’s that easy!

BOTOX is an easy, effective anti-aging treatment suitable for anyone over the age of 18 who simply wants to attain a youthful glow that lasts. BOTOX injections typically take about 20 minutes and can be performed about every 3 -4 months depending on your personal aesthetic goals. One of the great things about BOTOX is there is no downtime following the injections. Patients can resume their normal activities following the treatment. It typically takes about a week for the full results to kick in, but once they do, patients love their results and feel more confident about their aging complexion. Our patients come back to our Florham Park, NJ plastic surgery center every quarter to maintain their year-round glow. If additional treatments are needed to help you attain the look you want, we can discuss this at your appointments.

How can I learn more?

Give our Greater New Jersey plastic surgery office a call to get a consultation scheduled. You’ll get to meet with one of our highly rated plastic surgeons and determine if you’re a good candidate for BOTOX. We will also discuss your treatment plan and pricing with you.

If you’re interested in turning back the hands of time, then the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group would be happy to assist. Give us a call today to learn more about BOTOX and how it has helped so many people look and feel younger.