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I’m in My 40s. What is the Best Facelift For Me?

For many women and men, their 40s are an ideal time to make significant improvements in their personal and professional lives, as well as to their appearance. In the war against the effects of aging, it may no longer be enough to rely solely on BOTOX and dermal filler injections to achieve and maintain a more youthful look. A more powerful tool – namely, a surgical facelift – may be necessary to win this battle.

Years ago, this tried-and-true procedure was primarily reserved for patients in their 60s and 70s. Thanks to advances in cosmetic surgery, new facelift techniques are giving patients in their 40s a wider variety of options for combating wrinkles, sagging skin, and other telltale signs of aging. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are leaders in the field and are dedicated to providing patients in Greater New Jersey with remarkable results. Below, they expertly explain the best facelifts for 40-something patients.

Skin changes with age

As we grow older, the body’s production of collagen and elastin plummets. These compose the structure of the skin and help to maintain its firmness and elasticity. By the time we reach our 60s and 70s, the appearance, tone, and texture of the skin usually are very different than in previous decades of life. Wrinkles have set in. Having lost much of its fullness, along with its ability to spring back into shape, more mature skin may tend to sag or droop to a certain degree, even after having undergone a surgical facelift.

However, for most patients in their 40s, this usually is not as great concern since the skin still possesses some of its laxity, as well as an adequate amount of underlying tissue, versus that of older adults. In general, patients in Greater New Jersey who are considering facial rejuvenation usually have the added benefit of good-quality skin to further enhance the long-lasting results that can be achieved with a surgical facelift.

Facelift benefits

It’s no secret that the body transforms during our 40s. As women begin the journey toward menopause, they may notice changes in their skin. When collagen and elastin production levels begin to drop, oftentimes their jawline and cheeks follow suit and may take on a saggier, drooping appearance. As its youthful fullness fades, the face may start to look thin or a bit deflated, and fine lines and wrinkles can become noticeable. Even skin on the neck may look less taut and firm. You can tell whether the skin has lost some of its elasticity if at least one centimeter on the jowls, neck, or the nasolabial fold around the nose and mouth can be easily pinched. The skilled plastic surgeons at The Peer Group work closely with patients in their 40s to determine whether they are suited for a facelift as well as which style will provide them with the rejuvenated results they desire.

Which style is right for you?

It is common for Greater New Jersey patients in their 40s to turn to non-invasive procedures such as laser treatments and injectables to slow or reverse the hands of time. Although these popular cosmetic treatments can refresh the face and make wrinkles and fine lines less visible, the results cannot compare to those that are achieved with a surgical facelift. Because skin laxity among 40-something patients usually is not as pronounced as it is with older patients, in many cases a full facelift is not required. Read on to learn about some of the available options:

The mini facelift

less-invasive mini facelifts are popular among Greater New Jersey patients in their 40s. This procedure requires smaller incisions than a traditional full facelift and boasts a quicker recovery. However, it still effectively targets the muscles deep beneath the skin that lend structure to the face. A mini facelift can work to provide a slight lift while also tightening the lower face. Loose skin around the cheeks, sagging jowls, and skin below the jawline and on the neck – areas where patients in their 40s most often experience changes – can be addressed.

The mid-facelift

Also known as a cheek lift, a mid-facelift is designed to tackle areas around the mouth (including the nasolabial folds), the nose, cheeks, and eyes. Some of the earliest signs of aging, such as skin sagging on and around the cheeks, can be addressed with a mid-facelift. During their 40s, patients may begin to experience loose, sagging skin as well as wrinkles around the midsection of the face. During the procedure, the experienced plastic surgeons of The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ make small incisions just outside of the cheek area. These are used to create a subtle lift. So-called laugh and smile lines can be smoothed, and skin laxity in the area can be improved.

By lifting the malar fat pad in the cheek, a mid-facelift can restore fullness that may have been lost. The results of this procedure are longer lasting than those achieved with injectable fillers. Another bonus: Recovery from a mid-facelift usually is shorter and easier than with a full facelift. In conjunction with a mid-facelift, blepharoplasty (better known as an eye lift) may also be performed. This procedure can be effective for reducing bags and puffiness in the area below the eyes and can eliminate fine lines and crow’s feet.

Lower facelift and neck lift

When the cheeks begin to droop and skin starts to sag along the jawline and below the chin, Greater New Jersey patients in their 40s may want to consider a lower facelift. This procedure can significantly improve the appearance of loose skin on the lower third portion of the face by tightening underlying structures that have weakened. Meanwhile, a neck lift can be performed to address wrinkled skin on the neck as well as to improve the appearance of the jiggly jowls and diminish a dreaded double chin.

The idea of growing old gracefully is a thing of the past for many men and women in Greater New Jersey. When the earliest signs of aging become apparent, patients in their 40s need not wait to address their cosmetic concerns. Several styles of facelifts are available to smooth wrinkles, plump cheeks, and restore youthfulness to their appearance. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ, and learn how and what type of facelift may benefit you.