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Is Laser Hair Removal in NJ Right for You?

Are you sick and tired of trying to get rid of unwanted facial hair? Or have you had enough of maintaining the hair under your arms, in your bikini area, on your back, or on another part of your body?

With laser hair removal in NJ, you can get rid of hair once and for all. The Cutera Cool Glide(R) laser can remove hair from your face or body safely and ensure that it doesn’t grow back again. The ProWave(TM) can also prove to be beneficial for those who have larger patches of hair on their bodies.

Before you go through with laser hair removal, it’s a good idea to take the time to learn more about how it works. It’ll allow you to decide if it’s the right option for your specific situation.

Here’s what you need to know about it.

How Does Laser Hair Removal in NJ Work?

If you’re considering laser hair removal in NJ, it’s important for you to understand how the procedure actually works. Some people have the wrong idea of what the procedure is all about.

Laser hair removal targets hair in the growth phase and destroys the hair follicle by delivering short pulses of energy using a hand-held device with a cooling tip that glides across the skin. It delivers energy to the root of unwanted hair stopping the hair from growing. Over the course of several treatments, your hair follicles will stop producing hair.

Every patient who opts to have laser hair removal may respond to it a little bit differently based on their individual issues. But in general, most people start to see real results after two or three laser hair removal sessions.

You’ll likely see your hair get less dense following each treatment. You’ll also experience a reduction in hair thickness.

Who Are the Ideal Candidates for Laser Hair Removal?

If you have unwanted hair on your face or body, you are an ideal candidate for laser hair removal in NJ. It can truly help anyone who wants to eliminate hair from their body.

But with that being said, there are some people who respond better to laser hair removal than others. Those people with lighter skin and darker hair tend to get the best results right away.

That shouldn’t stop you from seeking laser hair removal if you have darker skin and lighter hair. You may just need to be slightly more patient with the process. You can achieve the same results as others as long as you’re willing to undergo several extra treatments.

A surgeon can speak with you more about your skin tone and hair color and estimate how long it would take for you to experience positive results.

Why Does It Take Multiple Sessions to Remove Hair for Good?

Some laser hair removal candidates are confused about why it takes several sessions in many cases to remove hair permanently. Can’t it all be done and over with after one long session?

The truth is that hair on your face and body tends to grow in cycles. So when you have laser hair removal, there’s a chance some of your hair could be in the middle of a growth cycle while other hair could be sitting dormant at that time.

When that happens, you could experience hair growth in certain areas simply because your dormant hair has sprung back to life. You might be under the impression that laser hair removal hasn’t worked for you, but it’s actually just your hair playing tricks on you.

When you undergo a series of laser hair removal treatments, you won’t have to worry about hair sporadically growing back. The treatments will work in unison to end hair growth throughout your body.

What Is the Recovery Process for Laser Hair Removal Like?

One of the best parts about laser hair removal in NJ is that there is no recovery time at all following treatment.

Your skin may appear to be pink following treatment, and you may experience a slight tingling sensation, too. Those conditions could continue to exist for up to two hours.

But you won’t experience any discomfort. And if you want, you can go back to work right after laser hair removal treatments without any problems.

Is There a Chance Hair Could Grow Back After Laser Hair Removal?

In most cases, you won’t experience any hair growth at all after you’ve had laser hair removal in NJ done.

However, laser hair removal is technically considered a semi-permanent procedure, which means you may have stray hairs that pop up. That might indicate that a few hair follicles were not subjected to the laser’s wrath during your treatments.

The stray hairs will be much easier to maintain than the hair that existed before. But if you want, you can always have an additional one or two maintenance treatments to eliminate them as well.

More often than not, though, hair growth will become a thing of the past following laser hair removal.

Stop Dealing With Unwanted Hair By Having Laser Hair Removal Done

If you’ve decided that you want to have laser hair removal in NJ done, it’s best to work with a surgeon who has plenty of experience with the procedure.

This will ensure that your unwanted hair is gone following your treatments. It’ll also ensure you get the best possible service during your laser hair removal.

Following laser hair removal, you’ll feel better about yourself and be proud to show off your body without worrying about unwanted hair. You’ll feel like a brand-new person right away.

Contact us to schedule a laser hair removal consultation in NJ.