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Is There A Natural Looking Breast Augmentation Option?

While many patients considering breast augmentation are hoping for a dramatically enhanced look, a large majority of women still want their breasts to appear “natural,” Fortunately for these patients, modern cosmetic surgery provides a variety of procedures and products that are designed to yield an appealing, enhanced, though natural look for breast augmentation. Located in Florham Park, NJ, the board-certified plastic surgeons and expert medical team at The Peer Group have performed countless breast augmentation procedures for Greater New Jersey area patients seeking a more natural-looking result.

What is the best breast implant option for me?

With a great many options available for those seeking breast augmentation in New Jersey, it is more important than ever to understand the risks, benefits, and specifics of the various types of breast implants available:

Saline breast implants: Though not quite as popular as they once were, saline implants still offer many advantages, including:

As with any type of breast implant, saline implants have associated risks:

Silicone breast implants: Quite popular as a breast implant option, the benefits of silicone implants include:

Though very popular, there are still some disadvantages associated with silicone implants:

Cohesive gel: “Gummy Bear” implants are quickly increasing in popularity due to their many benefits, some of which include:

Fat Grafting: Though it is one of the lesser-known breast augmentation options, fat transfer to the breast is becoming a highly sought after New Jersey breast augmentation procedure. Because it uses a patient’s natural fat and tissue – usually harvested via liposuction from the thighs, love handles, or abdomen – the risk of rejection is almost non-existent. The harvested fat and tissue is used to reshape and resize the breast, and the result is an incredibly soft, natural-feeling breast.

Does fat transfer breast augmentation really work?

Breast augmentation using native fat transfer is a highly effective procedure for many patients, but the best way to find out if you are an ideal candidate for this particular surgery is to be evaluated by a qualified and skilled provider. The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ are committed to treating patients with the highest level of service and care and will take the time to evaluate each case thoroughly, answer all questions completely, discuss each patient’s goals individually, and make a plan of action that best suits your needs.

Fat transfer to breast can be highly beneficial for many patients, particularly due to the use of native fat and tissue which carries virtually no risk of rejection. Qualified and skilled plastic surgeons are able to extract fat from selected areas using liposuction and then inject this purified fat strategically in a way that can reshape, resize, and enhance the breast in the most natural way possible.

Who is a candidate for natural breast augmentation?

Fortunately, many women can be considered good candidates for fat grafting breast augmentation. As with any surgical procedure, some of the major considerations for candidacy are that a patient is a non-smoker, is in good health, and has no contraindications to general anesthesia or surgery. With breast augmentation procedures, it is preferred that patients have reached and maintained their goal weight for at least six months prior to surgery. Excess weight gain or loss can affect the look of the breasts.

While the experienced and knowledgeable plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can specifically advise patients on the best course of action during their Greater NJ breast augmentation consultation, in general, patients that have at least a small reserve of fat are better candidates for fat grafting breast augmentation compared with significantly thinner women.

If you think breast augmentation may be right for you and are interested in learning about the more natural options for the surgery, including fat transfer breast augmentation, call our office to schedule your consultation today. The board-certified plastic surgeons and a team of medical professionals at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ is committed to providing the highest level of patient care and will take the time to discuss all of the available options with you in order to determine a course of action that will best meet your needs.