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Tummy Tuck And Age: Why Aging Has Women Seeking Tummy Tuck Surgery

It is a known fact that our bodies change with the natural process of aging. New Jersey area women and men alike notice changes in their bodies, especially starting in their 40’s and 50’s. Signs of weight ‘settling in’ on different areas of the body is a common issue and our bodies begin to tell the story of our age. So why does our midsection continue to expand as we get older?

It is not a myth, there is such a thing as the “middle-age spread” and it is particularly a problem for women due to the main factor of menopause. So can your stomach ever look the same? Can a tummy tuck be a solution to this middle-age problem? The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group in Florham Park, NJ want you to know that regardless of age, a tummy tuck can be a solution. We will take a look at why midsection changes occur as women grow older and what the plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can do to get your tummy back.

Why does aging change a woman’s waistline?

Even thin women who have always had a flat stomach begin to struggle with signs of belly fat or an expanding waistline as they age. In addition, they often fight loose skin that seems to reside in the lower abdomen. This can occur for women who have never had kids as the skin loses its natural elasticity with age. There are a variety of reasons why women, in general, struggle with belly fat such as genetics, having children, poor diet and not being able to exercise regularly. But as women age, even those who have never experienced an issue of weight or fat in their midsection, start to see changes. The main culprits are changes in hormones (less estrogen) due to menopause and a slower metabolism that makes it difficult for older women to keep trim and fit midsection.

Aging and the expanding waistline

For women, menopausal weight gain can be frustrating and unfortunately, the stomach area can sometimes take the hardest hit. A tummy that looks out of shape is considered the price for growing older but does it have to be something women over 40 have to live with forever? When a healthy diet and regular exercise are no longer able to change the landscape of your midsection then looking into a tummy tuck procedure can be the solution for you. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group offer several tummy tuck options to erase the signs of aging from your midsection so let’s take a look at some guidelines and how they can help.

Does age matter for a tummy tuck?

Some women think a tummy tuck or any body contouring procedure is only for younger people. Many older patients assume that after a certain age cosmetic surgeries or procedures are no longer an option. If a woman is in good overall health, is at a good weight, and lives an active lifestyle, there is no reason why a cosmetic procedure such as a tummy tuck could not be an option. Countless New Jersey area patients are proving that age is only a number.

Being middle age, what can a tummy tuck help?

A woman’s most common issue with aging is excess fat shifting from areas of the body to their midsection due to changes in hormones and their metabolism slowing down. Women begin to notice a belly pouch or small weight gains in their abdominal area. Skin also loses elasticity with age as collagen production decreases therefore skin loses volume and looks saggy. Unfortunately, no amount of sit-ups or exercise can tighten loose skin in the abdominal area. Women in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s can turn to a tummy tuck procedure for help removing excess skin, tightening underlying abdominal muscles, and removing any excess fatty tissue (with liposuction) to have the amazing results of a sculpted, flatter stomach and midsection.

Abdominoplasty options

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in New Jersey can help reshape and tighten your midsection and customize what kind of tummy tuck you may need in order to get you the end results you want. A patient can consider a mini tummy tuck if a small amount of fatty tissue or excess skin needs to be removed in the area below the belly button. There is also the traditional tummy tuck, which is most common, involving reshaping and toning up the lower abdominal area using liposuction to optimize the tummy contouring results. If more extensive help is needed like an extended tummy tuck or even a reverse tummy tuck, which involves the upper part of the torso, then those options can be discussed with one of our New Jersey area plastic surgeons at The Peer Group during your consultation appointment.

Due to metabolic and hormonal changes, as women age it causes fat and weight to settle in areas where normally a woman may have never had an issue prior. A tummy tuck can cosmetically change the way a woman’s midsection looks and get them feeling confident again, at any age! If you are considering a tummy tuck, call or schedule your consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in the New Jersey area today.