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What’s Trending In Breast Augmentation Surgery

The trend hasn’t changed with breast augmentation surgery still being the most popular plastic surgery performed in 2018, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Yet with today’s medical advancements, breast augmentation is trending to become less invasive, a quicker recovery, and now more than ever, there are more options for patients to get an even better end result. The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in New Jersey is one of the leading plastic surgery facilities in the New Jersey area for breast augmentation procedures.

Let’s take a look at the latest trends and what you should be considering with your breast augmentation surgery.

A different end result…

The biggest trend seen today in breast augmentation are women wanting a more natural look to their implants. The past trend of women wanting to go straight to a double D size implant, with a more obvious enhancement to their breasts, are farther and fewer between. Today’s women are more active and having larger implants can hinder certain outdoor activities or exercises. The scope has changed where women are wanting a more natural enhancement to give a less obvious improvement to their breasts leaving them with a more healthy, fit look.

Less invasive, better recovery…

Today, thanks to modern medical advancements, most patients recover in a shorter amount of time after breast augmentation surgery. Amazing strides have been made in this area of cosmetic surgery offering patients less invasive surgical procedures and better options for general anesthesia to help with a quicker recovery. New gentler forms of general anesthesia are being developed thus allowing patients to recover faster from their surgery while not trying to recover from the effects of anesthesia at the same time. Patients are able to walk or even go to dinner, the day after surgery, with a more mild sedation and less side effects.

Implant choices…

The tried, true, and tested popular implant choices are still available today, that being either saline or silicone, but there are more advancements in technology, which have made them more durable, safe, and long-lasting. Improvements in silicone implants have decreased instances of rupturing which has caused a rise in women choosing them over saline for a more natural look. Implants are offered in around and now tear shape option, which looks more like the natural shape of a breast with a variety of profiles or dimensions to them. The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in New Jersey is also one of the few select practices that offers the IDEAL IMPLANT?. The latest in implant options, this implant is engineered to give women a more natural-looking breast implant with saline allowing for a smaller incision site and less scarring post-surgery.

Natural options…

One of the latest trends is not using an implant at all, but rather using your own fat to be the filler. With the latest advances in fat transfer surgery, patients can choose to have liposuction on an area of the body that has excess fat and have it injected into their breasts to increase their size. This treatment leaves no scars and leaves the breasts looking natural.

New breasts with a lift…

This two-part combo procedure in breast augmentation is trending to become more popular especially among older women. If you have had multiple pregnancies, breastfed, lost a significant amount of weight, or are older (over 40) then a breast lift may be needed to give your breast augmentation surgery the best end results. More New Jersey area women are choosing to have a breast lift done at the same time to minimize recovery time from both procedures as well as reduce scarring. It is also safer to have both surgeries done simultaneously.

Other new trends…

Now more than ever knowledge and information is at the fingertips of anyone. With advancements in technology plastic surgery centers, like The Peer Group, can offer 3D images of what your breast implants will look like as well offer a virtual video showing you how your procedure will go. Giving patients today more detail information on the different type of surgical options available to them as well what they can expect post-surgery. Doing your research and knowing what you want prior to surgery, with the right board-certified plastic surgeon, are not new trends but ones that are made easier with today’s technology.

If you are considering breast augmentation the options on what you can do now are more diverse than ever. New Jersey plastic surgery centers, like The Peer Group, are keeping up with today’s technology and medical advancements in order to offer patients better implants, better post-surgery recovery, and longer-lasting results. Even being able to offer patients the option of no surgical scars or need to go under general anesthesia are all cutting edge procedures that have entered into the cosmetic arena of breast augmentation.

If you are ready to enhance your look with breast augmentation surgery, call or schedule your consultation today with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons, at The Peer Group for Plastic Surgery in Florham Park, NJ.