
Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Florham Park, NJ and Somerville, NJ

Kybella Florham Park, NJ

The excess fat that makes up a double chin can be particularly stubborn, remaining in place even when dieting and exercise have successfully helped other parts of the body to slim down. For anyone tired of their double chin, there is Kybella®. New Jersey’s The Peer Group offers this injectable, a nonsurgical treatment designed specifically to reduce the common bulge that is technically known as submental fullness.

Contact The Peer Group about Kybella® in New Jersey. Submit a contact form online or call 973-822-3000 for further details.

Before and After Photos

Kybella Before & After Patient #9093
Kybella Before & After Patient #9093
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When you reduce your calorie intake and up your daily activity levels to lose weight, you aren’t getting rid of fat cells. These lifestyle changes certainly work, but they merely cause fat cells to shrink. Unfortunately, you can’t choose which fat cells shrink, which is why a double chin may stick around even as love handles go away.

The digestive system, however, is good at actually breaking down fat. When you eat fats, a chemical known as deoxycholic acid breaks them down.

Kybella® takes the “digestion” approach, using a modified form of deoxycholic acid to physically break down the fat cells that contribute to submental fullness. Instead of shrinking and staying in place where they can possibly grow larger again and create a new double chin, fat cells targeted by Kybella® are gone for good. Once the deoxycholic acid ruptures the membranes that hold fat cells together, the body takes over with natural processes that clear out the freed fat and reduce volume in the treatment area.

Treatment Details

Kybella® is an injectable that needs to be administered with care into specific spots to safely and effectively reduce a double chin. At The Peer Group, highly trained and experienced physicians handle the injections, creating results that look natural and give the patient a slimmer and more proportional appearance.

After an initial consultation to determine the appropriateness of Kybella®, the actual injections will be made during a session that takes about half an hour or less. A topical anesthetic is applied to reduce feeling in the area below the chin and keep you more comfortable throughout the procedure.

Recovery & Results

Multiple Kybella® injections can make the under-chin area appear swollen and a little bruised, as well as feel tender or sore in the days after treatment. These side effects are minor, and no special care is needed to help them resolve. Ice and pain relievers can be used as appropriate and desired to manage the effects. Many patients choose to take a little time off of work or regular social obligations to give their neck area time to recover in peace.

Breaking down the fat cells takes time, with the body reducing volume in the submental area over weeks. Our Kybella® patients commonly see a noticeable reduction in their double chin after about two months. While any visible results are well received, patients commonly find that they achieve their ideal contours after having two to three treatments, with each session spaced at least one month apart.

Since the fat cells break down, the resulting look is here to stay—though Kybella® patients should realize that maintaining a healthy weight is important, since the remaining fat cells can still grow larger if given the opportunity.

Available Options

Patients who want more dramatic results sooner can choose liposuction, which is surgical fat removal that involves suctioning fat cells from the under-chin area via carefully placed incisions. The plastic surgeons at The Peer Group can help you to decide which technique would better serve you and help you to meet your goals.

Sometimes, sagging skin can be more of a problem than excess fat below the chin. The Peer Group offers both surgical options (such as a neck lift) and nonsurgical options (such as Ultherapy®) to address skin laxity that creates a look of submental fullness.


Ready for Kybella® at New Jersey′s The Peer Group? Patients in Livingston, Morristown, the surrounding communities, and beyond can reach out today by requesting a appointment online or calling 973-822-3000.